Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Nutritarian Six-Week Holiday Challenge

I'm very excited! Today is day 1 of Dr. Fuhrman's Six-Week Holiday Challenge! I'm all signed up and ready to be faithful to the Eat to Live Program. It runs from November 20th to December 31st. You can join up to and including December 4th. It involves signing up to become a member, which is free for 6 weeks. Then you'll be charged $14.95 per month to continue, but you can cancel any time via e-mail. It's a $45 value because the first 6 weeks are usually $44.95. This free membership also includes Dr. Fuhrman's Vook (internet browser) version of his newly revised edition of Eat to Live. It's pretty cool and includes video clips. I already own it, and can tell you it's great! It put me on the path to really consider what I was putting into by body. Next thing you know I'm a full fledged vegan!

And why wouldn't I be excited about the challenge?! This means I don't have to gain a pound this Christmas and can maintain my 10lb weight loss. Imagine?!

This is just what I needed. I admit I was getting lured away by vegan baking recipes. They often call for a lot of sugar and oil. I've got to get back to eating a super clean wholesome unprocessed plant-based diet! Only then will I get that slim and healthy bod I'm working towards!

If you're not family with Dr. Fuhrman, here's a great introduction to Eat to Live. He also mentions the mistake many vegans make. Watch and find out!