Saturday, November 20, 2010

Quite possibly one of the best cookies I've ever had!

I really do have to get away from baking sweets, but I did it again. Last night before discovering and joining Dr. Fuhrman's Six Week Holiday Challenge I had already combined all the dry ingredients for the Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe Keri posted the other day over at her I Eat Trees blog. I figured I might as well go ahead and whip them up.
Please note, just because something is "vegan" it does not automatically mean that it's healthy. Cakes and cookies are essentially junk food and to be avoided or at least reserved for very special occasions, and I don't mean "let's celebrate, it's the weekend!"
Of course I wasn't going to eat any. Then I decided to have a very small piece so I'd know if they turned out okay. I took something of the equivalent of a 1 square inch piece to test it out. That little morsel sent my taste buds soaring into realms of delight! It tasted like toffee! Jon says they taste like a Skor bar! It just may be the best tasting most delectable cookie I've ever eaten! It's crunchy because it's not loaded with fat, but it's chewy at the same time. My teens gave them an enthusiastic thumbs up. [Don't get used to them kids!!]

Mine look kinda flat compared to Keri's much prettier specimens, but I'm figuring that's because instead of half the flour being whole wheat pastry flour, I used whole wheat flour. Where does a Canadian get whole wheat pastry flour anyway? Oh I just noticed that I forgot to flatten them slightly before putting them into the oven! No matter, they turned out really well, unfortunately.


  1. I'm going to go take a look at the recipe for these cookies. They look so tempting.

  2. They are definitely tempting. I'm still trying to resist the binge monster!
